Welcome to the New York Sartorialist's "Style Has a Story" and thanks for stopping by. I'm honored and hope you enjoy!
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Warmest regards and thanks again for being here~ Michael Cress

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Man on the Street

Perhaps the pattern won't become permanent fashion, but you have to give Ricardo credit- he's wearing it with his own brand of style. On the way back from a party, it took confidence to pull this off and he had in spades. This Jill Sander suit is meant for getting attention, and that it does. Perfectly fitted and tailored, coupled with confidence- he owns it. The attitude is what made the difference between being a big hit or a big miss. Next time you reach for that accessory that may be a bit out of your comfort zone, remember- it's not necessarily what you're wearing, but how you wear it.


  1. Michael, I echo your sentiment. It is all about confidence, one must always wear the accessory and never allow it to wear you.
    Andres Brugal

  2. I agree with you! I think that the true style are in the person who wearing that he/she like!

